Let Me Get To Know You
My name is -------
I am ------ years old
I'm in High School or Middle School (or a young adult)
My favorite food is ------------
My favorite movie is -------------
My favorite song is ----------------
My favorite candy is ----------------
My favorite number is -----------------
What are you looking forward to on this web site?
I am looking forward to ---------------------------
How many siblings do you have? Are you the oldest or youngest? --------------------------------------------------
Do you have any pets? -------------------------
My favorite drink is -------------------
My favorite color is ------------------
My favorite animal is -------------------
SoVi's Version
My name is SoVi
I am 13 years old
I'm in middle school
My favorite food is pizza
I literally could never have a favorite movie
I could never have a favorite song for as long as I live
My favorite candy is either Milk Duds or Reese's Pieces
My favorite number is 17
I'm looking forward to meeting all of you, doing all of these fun activities, and helping you guys.
I have 3 brothers. I'm the youngest of 4 children.
I have a dog
My favorite drink is Root Beer
My favorite color is blue
My favorite land animal is either a cheetah, a black panther, or a wolf.
My favorite aquatic animal is a shark.
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